Be Prepared For Your Next Interview
Virtual & In-Person Coaching
Job Interview Coaching for Recent Grads
Jump Start Your Career the Right Way…
We’ll Help You Turn Your Next Interview Into a Job
Earning a College Degree is a Major Accomplishment. But What Comes Next?
Especially in today's tough job market, it can be a tremendous challenge launching a new career right out of college. Here's where the Expert Interview Coaches can help:
We lecture to undergraduate and graduate students at local colleges on interview skills and career development
We developed and ran the internship programs and entry level hiring in all of my corporate HR roles. This included the internship and entry level hiring at Lehman Brother, Morgan Stanley, and other notable firms
While in corporate HR, I interviewed and hired thousands of entry level candidates. As an interview coach I’ve trained and extensive number of entry level candidates.
We know exactly what companies are seeking in entry level candidates. This knowledge along with my experience and capability as an interview coach has helped all of my clients land jobs within six months of coaching
Barry Drexler
Expert Interview Coach